Front End vs. Back End
In this blog, we talk about two popular concepts that are thrown around in the web development world – front end vs. back end web development. Marketers today work with web design and development teams regularly. In some organizations, there are separate eCommerce teams that have different functions that come together including front-end, back-end, digital marketing, and merchandising. Let’s lets look more closely at these two jobs (front-end vs. back-end development) are now interacting with […]

What Should Businesses Do Today To Establish Trust Online?
What Should Businesses Do Today To Establish Trust Online? Establishing Trust Online With easy access to the internet, businesses have to work harder to establish trust online today more than ever. While most of the companies all around the world have been trying to gain consumers’ online trust, the truth is that the constant news of online security breaches, identity theft, and major scandals like Facebook-Cambridge Analytica gives this trust a shake, to say the […]