Front End vs. Back End
In this blog, we talk about two popular concepts that are thrown around in the web development world – front end vs. back end web development. Marketers today work with web design and development teams regularly. In some organizations, there are separate eCommerce teams that have different functions that come together including front-end, back-end, digital marketing, and merchandising. Let’s lets look more closely at these two jobs (front-end vs. back-end development) are now interacting with […]

Videos On Homepage That Work & Video Storytelling Framework (With 5 Examples)
Videos On Homepage That Work & Video Storytelling Framework (With 5 Examples) Why Do Videos On Homepage Work? Let’s face it – videos provide more engagement vs. images and static text or copy any day. Who does not like a powerful and engaging video that makes the whole process of understanding your product or solution easy, entertaining, and efficient? According to Statista – 85% of internet users watch video on their devices in the United […]

What Should Businesses Do Today To Establish Trust Online?
What Should Businesses Do Today To Establish Trust Online? Establishing Trust Online With easy access to the internet, businesses have to work harder to establish trust online today more than ever. While most of the companies all around the world have been trying to gain consumers’ online trust, the truth is that the constant news of online security breaches, identity theft, and major scandals like Facebook-Cambridge Analytica gives this trust a shake, to say the […]

What Is Web Development
What is Web Development? Web Development, Overview, Languages, Uses, CMS, Developers, a Guide We’ve probably all heard the phrase, but do we all actually know what it means? Yes, we know it’s something to do with developing something on the internet, but most of us are probably just not sure what. So in this article, we’re going to take you through some of the key concepts of Web Development to try and help you understand […]

Things You Need to Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs)
Things You Need to Know About Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, but most don’t know what it is. “AMP” is a play on the words “amplify” to speed up, in this case, the load times of the site. An AMP is a page created to improve the performance of the mobile web experience by creating fast-loading mobile pages. It is a project announced by Google on 7th October 2015. You […]

Reasons for a Website in Today’s World!
Reasons for a Website in Today’s World! The number of internet users is growing every day. Let’s rephrase that internet users are increasing by every second. As of January 2018, there are over 3.8 billion internet users, according to Internetlivestats.com. This means that approximately 40% of the world population is “connected” to the digital world. According to a study, in 1995, only 14% of U.S citizens had access to the internet. In North America, as […]